A 6.5% Fruit/Flavoured Beers Style Lambic Style – Fruit from Belgium,usually available at The Blackfriars Tavern in Great Yarmouth, FB: BlackfriarsTavern
Boon Oude Kriek is an aged fruit lambic beer from Belgian brewers Boon.
Boon is a specialist lambic brewery and reputedly has the largest stock of
lambic beer in oak barrels in the world. Lambic beer is a Belgian style
beer fermented using wild yeast and bacteria from the air around the Zenne
valley, where this style originated. Gueuze, kriek lambic and framboise are
all styles of lambic beer. Boon Oude Kriek is a blend of oak-aged Boon
lambic beer with fresh wild cherries. The addition of 400g of wild cherries
per litre of beer gives Boon Oude Kriek an intense, sweet and sour cherry
flavour, and deep cherry-red colour. The beer is unfiltered, unpasteurised
and unsweetened, and the funky, sour flavours from the aged lambic beer
balance perfectly with the sweetness of the cherries. Buy Boon Oude Kriek
for an authentic Belgian kriek lambic beer, brewed in the traditional style.

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