The Blackfriars Tavern

Serving You Since 1865


Lindemans Framboise 250ml

A 2.5% Fruit/Flavoured Beers Style Lambic Style – Fruit from Belgium,usually available at The Blackfriars Tavern in Great Yarmouth, FB: BlackfriarsTavern

Long before hops were common in most beers, various fruits and vegetables were used to season beers. The acidity of Lambic beers blends perfectly with raspberries.A magnificent aroma, delicate palate of raspberries with undertones of fruity acidity; elegant, sparkling clean natural taste.Pair with chocolate desserts (especially chocolate decadence), fresh raspberries, ice cream with a raspberry demi-glaze sauce, creme caramel, baked Alaska, Olympia oysters, caviar.

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Welcome to the East Anglia CAMRA Regional Pub Of The Year and the Norfolk CAMRA County Pub Of The Year. Find us at 94 Blackfriars Road, Great Yarmouth. Postcode: NR30 3BZ. WhatThreeWords: ///hopes.spoken.richer