We want to let you know how much we appreciated the effort that you made to visit us during our inaugural beer festival.
Thanks to everyone who took part in the Pig Racing, and who put their blue tickets in the charity boxes. We are pleased to announce that the following totals for each charity were raised:
The East Anglian Air Ambulance – £205.25
On The Ball Testicular Cancer Awareness and Support – £185.75
Below is a montage to give a flavour of the day’s activities.

Despite the unseasonably windy wether, we were super lucky to avoid the rain which, together with the high walls in our courtyards, made for a good sheltered afternoon inside and out.
The Winner of the “Guess the Number of Bottletops in the Jar” was Lynn who correctly guessed 97, the prize was a bottle of Good King Henry Special Reserve 2020.
The Winner of the “Treasure Hunt” was Mark Lewis who correctly guessed the square that contained the Port Authority’s Premises next to the Library in Great Yarmouth, the prize for this was also a bottle of Good King Henry Special Reserve 2020.
Follow us for announcements about future events.
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