The Blackfriars Tavern

East Anglia CAMRA Pub Of The Year 2024 & Norfolk Cider Pub Of The Year 2024


Trappist Achel Brune

A 8% Belgian Style Ales Style Belgian Strong Ale from Belgium,usually available at The Blackfriars Tavern in Great Yarmouth, FB: BlackfriarsTavern

Trappist Achel Brune is a Belgian strong ale from Trappist Achel brewery.
Achel Abbey is one of the six designated ÔTrappistÕ breweries of Belgium,
authorised to use the term, Trappist, for their beers. This beer is closest
in style to an abbey dubbel, with the dark brown colour, strength and
full-bodied flavour typical of this style. Trappist Achel Brune pours a
dark brown colour, with a tan head. Aromas of burned sugar, roasted malts
and orange zest rise from the beer. The flavour is sweet, with ripe fruit
notes and a slight coffee bitterness to balance the sweetness from the
malt. Buy Trappist Achel Brune for a well-respected, complex Belgian strong
ale from an authentic Trappist brewery.

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Welcome to the East Anglia CAMRA Regional Pub Of The Year and the Norfolk CAMRA County Pub Of The Year. Find us at 94 Blackfriars Road, Great Yarmouth. Postcode: NR30 3BZ. WhatThreeWords: ///hopes.spoken.richer